Women Entrepreneurship Scheme

 MSME Scheme on Women Entrepreneurship

Women Entrepreneurship basically extract that women can be a business person, can also gather resources, bear organizational risks and challenges and most importantly women can provide employment. Anne Sweeney quoted “Define your success in your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live”. MSME is the root core of country growth of women entrepreneurship. In this scheme, an unlimited podium is given to women for entrepreneurship. On International Day 2018, Udyam Sakhi which is a network for serving social entrepreneurship launched by MSME to create various business models with products and services costing very low to solve this social injustice. With the help of women entrepreneur MSME Scheme, almost 8 million women have started their own business. Women were provided with learning entrepreneurship tools, facility of incubation, provided with best mentors, investors meet, marketing survey facility and assistance for technical issues. The government of India passed this scheme for women to earn for living by themselves and gave them equal rights as men. A perfect example for women empowerment is Rani Abbakka Chowta, the first Tuluva Queen of Ullal. Earlier, women were discouraged and suppressed in our Indian society. Women were not allowed to study or even get semi-literate in both rural and urban areas to make them in house forever. This is the reason why the Indian government established a scheme “Trade related entrepreneurship assistance and development”. The infringement of creative idea and solutions is derived from the India’s MSME ecosystem.
As the micro sector’s women suffer the most, our government of India published 9 important schemes to financially support women. To know more about these schemes, read below:

Image result for women entrepreneurs suffer when it comes to access to capital


This scheme is specially launched for women who are willing to start a small business/enterprise on their own which includes tuition classes, salon, tailoring center, jewelry shops and much more. This scheme provides partnership in business if two women want to do business together. Loans under Mudra Yojna Scheme start from 50 thousand to 50 lakh. If any loan exceeds 10 lakh, the women entrepreneurs have to provide with collateral's and guarantors. The 3 plans provided in this scheme are: Shishu plan, Kishor plan and Tarun plan.


Image result for women-led business in indiaThe THREAD (tread-related entrepreneurship assistance and development) scheme was launched by PMEGP for women to provide them with credit facilities, special training, counseling them and give them more & more knowledge for their business. The government grants the THREAD Scheme to provide thirtieth of the whole production cost through lending institutions. And these institutions will also take care of the rest seventieth of the cost required.


This scheme offers up to 10 lakh for financial support especially to the small scale enterprise. In this women get a complete hold on their business by which they can make various projects, can upgrade their business and create their projects in a new way. As the interest rate differs from market to market, the deadline of repayment of loan is within ten years including the 5 year moratorium period.


The women who love cooking can explore their talent through the Annapurna Scheme. A business can set up easily with any talent or hobby and this scheme is the best example of such business ideas. Women can borrow loan starting from 50,000 for their kitchen appliances, loan for business place, etc. MSME Women entrepreneur newly launched this scheme especially for all married women. The only document needed is collateral in asset form with a guarantor. The repayment of loan is expanded for 3 years with a month of grace period before the repayment date.


To use this scheme, women are required to register the EDP (entrepreneurship development program) from the State agency nearby. It is compulsory that the owner should have fiftieth of the shares under her ownership in a small enterprise. This scheme only charge 0.05% for the loans above 2 lakh.


This scheme’s main purpose is to financially help the underprivileged women. Women can borrow loan up to 20 Crore and need to pay it in 7 years. Collateral is required only if the loan is above 1 Crore. The interest rate charged in this loan is 12.25%.

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Women from rural areas who work in agriculture or retail stores can request for this scheme to provide loan for their business. Maximum loan that can be borrowed in this scheme is 50,000; interest charged 0.25% on it. Loans of 20 lakh can only be borrowed under education, retail and housing category.


A woman who own or manage MSME or any agricultural works is worth to take loan under this Cent Kalyani Scheme. No collateral is required up to loan of 1 Crore without charging any interests. The processing fee for the entrepreneur is totally free.


Women in the age group of 18-45 years who works in agriculture or retail sector whose family income is not more than 45000 can apply for the loan of 1 lakh. This scheme charges very low rate of interest on business loans. There is no limit loan purchase for the widows. Women receive thirtieth of subsidy of the loan and 10,000 with subsidy is granted to them.
 Now, women are much stronger than they were before. With this MSME Women Entrepreneurship scheme, their future blended in a positive way. It helped all the women to leave the tradition and become modern. This is the best way to prove that men and women should be judged equally and both should have harmony for each other. Women now got independence to live their life in their way. Women entrepreneurs are those who bear risks; seek the opportunity and make use of it in right place and right time. Instead on working under someone, women can be the boss of their own enterprise. Our government of India is ready to take various steps and responsibilities to promote women entrepreneurs. In the future, we will see women contributing the most in social economy and transformation.

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