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The aim of this scheme is to improve the quality rate of the products in MSME sector. In 2009-2010, this scheme came into effect. MSMEs will produce better quality products at competitive prices. The adoption will enable MSME this to achieve the efficient use of resources and materials, improve in quality of products, rejection and rework in the course of the production decrease in building up inventory at different stages etc. the approach which is cluster-based is adopted for the economy scale, good dissemination of quality management standards and quality technology tools for the good results. However, different individual units may also come under this scheme. QMS & QTT scheme came in power in the 5th year plan for production sector and service sector. MSME has selected from the cluster under the study or innervation by the government and also identify by other organization and ministries. Monitoring scheme missions can be done through both domestically and internationally. MSME undertakes the stated activities done by the industries for company enhancement. This scheme insists of multiform activities out of those the following are some major activities through different expert agencies etc.
·     Training teachers in ITI/polytechnic.
·     Study mission in international monitoring.
·     A national level of workshop at New Delhi.
·     Workshop at metros in the duration of 2days.

Image result for quality technology tools

The scheme is to encourage and sensitize MSMEs to the latest quality management standards and quality technology tools to keep an eye on the sectorial developments by undertaking the stated activities.

This scheme has been implemented for micro & small enterprises to understand the newly quality management standards (QMS) and quality technology tools so as to manufacture good quality products at competitive prices. This scope says that how far the QMS extends with the organization system. The (QMS) is been a part of ISO group 9001 for a long time.

Image result for quality management system scope

 Benefits in the scheme of QMS/QTT
The scheme (MSME) micro and small enterprises adopt the latest quality management standards and quality technology tools to be much competitive and also produce good quality products at its competitive prices.

·     The MSME Scheme that executed the work of Development Commissioner by the expertise is done for company hub.
·     The Quality council of India provides training, corporation & consultancy development to the entrepreneurs.
·     Active interest in QMS/QTT is charged in enterprise registration.
Quality management standard and quality technology tools make sure that the product or service of the enterprise is effective and does not harm the economy system. This scheme analysis the improvement in the production of goods through quality control so that the products doesn’t lack in anything. Entrepreneurs can make efficient use of the resources as they are financially supported. This new scheme of MSME helps in enhancing the quality of product. MSME conducts various programs on quality management standards and quality technology tools so that not even one entrepreneur lacks in financial and manufacturing sector. Hence, the QMS & QTTs scheme of MSME makes the manufacturing sector to be competitive for all the enterprise.