Citizenship Amendment Bill Act 2019

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   "Rajya sabha passes citizenship amendment bill 2019" 

The citizenship amendment bill (CAB), act no. 47 of 2019 was illegally registered on 11th December 1955 by the Indian parliament. The CAB act mainly focuses on rights of Indian citizen  which includes Hindus,Sikhs,Buddhists,jains,parsis and Christians suppressing Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh citizens. To get citizenship India under the CAB law, the person should have interned India by or before 31th December 2014. Over 30000 migrants that includes Hindu or Sikh will be benefited from this amendment act. For violating the secular constitution of India, over 1000 Indian scientists and scholars have signed a petition opposing the bill. The legislation was also criticized by the united state commission on international religious freedom. As the act was passed, Muslim and secular groups protested against discrimination of religion. 

Image result for bharat sarkar logoThe main citizenship act was passed in 1955, 7 years after India became an independent country.
This act is establish to restrict those citizen from other countries who entered India in illegal ways.
even after the citizenship act, there were more than 2,00,000 outsider rescinding in India and this statement is proved by UNHCR (UNITED NATION HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES).
As the Indian government is ruled by BJP(BHARTIYA JANATA PARTY), They states that India is a Hindu nation instead of secular one. 

The refugees kept interning India in irrespective ways with their travel document and making long-term visas. So BJP introduces a bill to amend the citizenship law in 2016. In this act non-Muslims were migrated from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh to India in the act of CAB. After the act came to power, the government of India announced that Bangladeshi and Pakistani citizen will be free from the passport requirements. The religions like Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhist, Jain, parsis and Christians will have to shelter in India due to religious persecution. Hence, citizens who arrived in India before 31 December, 2014 are granted to continue residing in India whether they are Hindu or secular one.

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