"Christmas is the Day that Holds All the Time Together"

Every year on 25th December, Christmas is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ.. It is a cultural occasion celebrated among the millions of people in the world. It is declared as the Christian liturgical year in the season of Nativity fast and in the season of Christmastide which is in west and lasts for twelve days. So, Christmas day is declared as public holiday in many countries. Christmas is mainly celebrate by the Christians but non-Christians too celebrate Christmas day as we all believe in humanity. Christmas is also known as Nativity and Xmas. In this occasion, people mainly Christians give gifts to their family members and to other social gathering. Guests are welcomed like gods as our Taittiriya Upanishads says, "Matrudevo Bhava", which means "The guest is God".

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The New Testament stated that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in correspondence to messianic prophecies. Joseph and Mary was given a stable because the hotel were fully booked. The Christ child 'Jesus Christ' was born there. The Church fixed the Christ child's birth date as 25th December in the early fourth century. Christians believes that God came in the world in the form of human for humanity. The main reason of celebrating Christmas is to bring togetherness and unity. Christmas has its own theme which includes gift giving, advent wreath, special Christmas music and carols, visiting church, a special meal is decided for this day and decorating Christmas trees, lights and garlands. Parents becoming Santa Claus for their children has its own meaning of love. The retailers earns huge profit by this festival. The craze for Christmas is almost over maximum countries in the world. The birth of Jesus is the beginning of good things for the whole world. Christmas combines all of us in togetherness. 

                        "let Us have Music for Christmas...
                          Sound the Trumpet of Joy and Rebirth;
                          Let Each of Us try, with a Song in or Hearts,
                          To bring Peace to Men on Earth."
                                  MERRY CHRISTMAS..!

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